►N_impl | |
CSCCCallbackError | |
CSCCNonTrivial | |
►Nboost | |
►Nserialization | |
Cis_bitwise_serializable< capd::homAux::PackedPair< T, U > > | |
Cadjacency_list | |
►Cgraph_traits< capd::graph::BoostGraph< Derived > > | |
Ctraversal_category | |
Cis_same | |
Cproperty_map< capd::graph::BoostGraph< Derived >, boost::vertex_index_t > | |
Crange_const_iterator< capd::complex::SqueezedComplex< OrgComplex > > | |
Crange_mutable_iterator< capd::complex::SqueezedComplex< OrgComplex > > | |
Cshared_ptr | |
►Ncapd | |
►NapiRedHom | |
►Npython | |
CBettiNumbersOverZ | |
CBuildFiniteTopologicalSpaceZigZagByIntersections | |
CBuildMeshVectorFieldOptimizedPartition | |
CBuildMeshVectorFieldZigZagByIntersections | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnCellCodeMap | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnGrid | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnPartition | |
CComplex | |
CConvert | |
CConvert< apiRedHom::CubicalComplex::Interval > | |
CConvert< std::pair< Object1, Object2 > > | |
CConvert< std::tuple< Object1, Object2, Object3 > > | |
CConvert< std::vector< Object > > | |
CCountCriticalCells | |
CCubicalComplex | |
CDistanceMatrixPersistentHomology | |
CFiniteTopologicalSpace | |
CFundamentalGroup | |
CGenerateKappaMap | |
CMeshVectorField | |
CMultivectorDynamics | |
CProdSimplicialComplex | |
CSimplicialComplex | |
CVolumePersistentHomology | |
CAlgorithmExecutor | |
CAlgorithmExecutor< Algorithm, Callback, typename boost::disable_if< boost::is_same< Callback, void > >::type > | |
CAnyWrapper | |
CBettiNumbersOverZ | |
CBettiNumbersOverZ2 | |
CBettiNumbersOverZp | |
CBettiNumbersViaSmithFormOverZ | |
CBuildFiniteTopologicalSpaceZigZagByIntersections | |
CBuildMeshVectorFieldOptimizedPartition | |
CBuildMeshVectorFieldZigZagByIntersections | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnCellCodeMap | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnGrid | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnPartition | |
►CCellsCollection | |
CComplexCell | |
CComplex | |
CComplexesMapping | |
CComplexHelper | |
CComplexIterators | |
CComplexTraits | |
CComplexTraits< DefaultComplexTag > | |
CCoreduction | |
CCountCriticalCells | |
CCreateCubicalComplex | |
CCreateCubicalComplexExternalMemory | |
CCreateProdSimplicialComplex | |
CCreateSComplex | |
CCreateSimplicialComplex | |
►CCrHom | |
CImpl | |
CCubicalComplex | |
CCubicalHelper | |
CDefaultComplexTag | |
CDistanceMatrixPersistentHomology | |
CEulerCharacteristic | |
CFiniteTopologicalSpace | |
CFundamentalGroup | |
CGeneralizedSComplex | |
►CGenerateKappaMap | |
CCallback | |
CHomologyGeneratorsOverZ | |
CHomologyOverZ | |
CHomologyOverZ2 | |
CHomologyOverZp | |
CMeshVectorField | |
CMultivectorDynamics | |
CProdSimplicialComplex | |
CRedHomOrchestratorOverZ | |
CRelativeBettiNumbers | |
CRelativeBettiNumbersOverZ | |
CRelativeBettiNumbersOverZ2 | |
CRelativeBettiNumbersOverZp | |
CSetCubicalComplex | |
►CSetFunctions | |
CFindOp | |
CSignature | |
CSimplicialComplex | |
CTheConfig | |
CVolumePersistentHomology | |
CXXX | |
CZigZag | |
►Nauxil | |
►Npython | |
CLogger | |
►Ncomplex | |
►N_impl | |
CColorPred | |
►Ndetail | |
►CComplexGraphImpl | |
CEdge | |
CVertex | |
►CHasDIM | |
Ctype | |
►CHasDimUpperBound | |
Ctype | |
►Nimpl | |
CAllTrue | |
CCheckColor | |
CCubCellComplexTags | |
CGridGraphCellComplexBase | |
CGridGraphCellComplexBaseTypes | |
CProdSimplicesCoincidence | |
►CSelectorsUpToDim | |
►CDIMPred | |
Capply | |
CSimplicesCoincidence | |
CStaticProdSimplicialCellComplexBase | |
CStaticSimplicialCellComplexBase | |
C_CubicalComplexes | |
C_StaticProdSimplicialComplexes | |
C_StaticSimplicialComplexes | |
CAcyclicNeighbourhood | |
CAcyclicNeighbourhood< Complex, DIM, typename boost::enable_if< IsRegularCubical< Complex > >::type > | |
CAcyclicOvergrowth | |
CAcyclicShaving | |
CAKQReduceStrategy | |
CApplyComplexSelectorDim | |
CApplyEnumerateGeneratedCellCodesInDim | |
CApplyEnumerateGeneratedCellCodesInDim< 0, Generator > | |
CApplyProdSimplicialComplexSelector | |
CApplySqueezedSelector | |
CArrayCubicalHomology | |
CAssignIds | |
CBdCells | |
►CBdNeighbours | |
CDiffId | |
CBettiNumbers | |
CBettiNumbersViaSmithForm | |
►CBuildComplexTransitiveClousure | |
CTransitiveClousureSubGraph | |
CBuildDiscreteVectorField | |
CBuildFiltration | |
CBuildGreedyDiscreteVectorField | |
CBuildGreedyDiscreteVectorFieldCoreduction | |
CBuildGreedyDiscreteVectorFieldInRounds | |
CBuildGreedyDiscreteVectorFieldReduction | |
CBuildGreedyDiscreteVectorFieldViaCoreductions | |
CBuildGreedyDiscreteVectorFieldViaReductions | |
CBuildMorseComplex | |
CBuildMorseGraph | |
CCalcPolygonLength | |
CCalcPolygonLength< boost::mpl::int_< 0 >, boost::mpl::int_< 0 > > | |
CCalcPolygonLength< Length, boost::mpl::int_< 1 > > | |
CCalcPolygonLength< Length, boost::mpl::int_< 2 > > | |
CCalcProdSimplexDimUpperBound | |
CCalcProdSimplexDimUpperBound< boost::mpl::int_< 0 >, boost::mpl::int_< 0 > > | |
CCalcProdSimplexLength | |
CCalcProdSimplexLength< boost::mpl::int_< 0 >, boost::mpl::int_< 0 > > | |
CCbdCells | |
CCellCode | |
CCellColor | |
►CCellComplex | |
CCellImpl | |
CCellComplex_IteratorFamily | |
CCellComplexMemoryModel | |
►CCellComplexSelectors | |
►CPred | |
Capply | |
CCellComplexTag | |
CCellDim | |
CCellHasColor | |
CCellId | |
CCellsByDim | |
CCellsByDimReversed | |
►CCellSComplex | |
CCell | |
CCellSComplexTraitsT | |
CColoredIteratorFamily | |
CComplexDim | |
CComplexDimUpperBound | |
CComplexes | |
CComplexes3D | |
CComplexesForScalar | |
CComplexGraph | |
CComplexOfSelector | |
CComplexSelector | |
CComplexSelector< DenseCubicalTag, Dim, Color, void > | |
CComplexSelector< GridGraphExternalMemoryTag, Dim, Color > | |
CComplexSelector< GridGraphTag, Dim, size_t > | |
CComplexSelector< HasseDiagramTag, Dim, Color, Scalar > | |
CComplexSelector< LefschetzTag, Dim, Color > | |
CComplexSelector< PolygonTag, Length, Color > | |
CComplexSelector< SqueezedTag, boost::mpl::pair< Dim, OrgSelector >, Color, Scalar > | |
CComplexSelector< StaticProdSimplicialNotPrecompiledTag, void, Color > | |
CComplexSelector< StaticProdSimplicialPrecompiledTag, boost::mpl::pair< Rows, Length >, Color > | |
CComplexSelector< StaticSimplicialNotPrecompiledDimTag, Dim, Color > | |
CComplexSelector< StaticSimplicialPrecompiledDimTag, Dim, Color > | |
CComplexSelectorBase | |
CComplexSelectorDim | |
CComplexToMorseComplex | |
CComplexTraits | |
CComplexTraits< const Complex > | |
CComplexTransitiveClousure | |
CComputeBettiNumbersOf3DGridGraph | |
CComputeBettiNumbersOf3DGridGraph< Complex, typename boost::enable_if< Is3DGridGraph< Complex > >::type > | |
CComputeConnectedComponents | |
CComputeConnectedComponents< Complex, typename boost::enable_if< HasTag< Complex, GridGraphTag > >::type > | |
CComputeHomologyOnSimplifiedComplex | |
CComputeHomologyOrchestrator | |
CComputeHomologySignature | |
CComputeHomologySignature< ComplexT, Z2, IntT > | |
CComputeSubSpaceBettiNumbers | |
CCoreduction | |
CCoreductionFactory | |
CCountCriticalCells | |
CCreateCubCellComplexFromVolume | |
CCubCellComplex | |
CCubCellComplexBase | |
CCubicalComplexes | |
CCubicalComplexFromArray | |
CCubicalComplexFullCubesBounds | |
CCubicalTag | |
►CCubicTessellation | |
CAllIterator | |
CBdIterator | |
CCbdIterator | |
CIteratorBase | |
CDefaultReduceStrategy | |
CDefaultReduceStrategyBase | |
►CDefaultReduceStrategyTraits | |
CExtract | |
CGetCoreductionPair | |
CGetReductionPair | |
CDenseCubCellComplex | |
CDenseCubicalComplexes | |
CDenseCubicalTag | |
CDenseCubMemoryModel | |
CDescribeComplex | |
CDimCells | |
CDimCellsReversed | |
CDimForUpperBound | |
CDimForUpperBound< 0 > | |
CDimVariable | |
CDimVariableForUpperBound | |
►CDiscreteVectorField | |
CGraphType | |
►CDiscreteVectorFieldBoostGraph | |
CEdge | |
CVertex | |
CDiscreteVectorFieldGraph | |
CDiscreteVectorFieldGraphInstantiation | |
Cedge_coincidence_index_t | |
►CEnumerateCubesBase | |
CCellCode | |
►CEnumerateGeneratedCellCodes | |
CCall | |
CCellCodeOf | |
CCopyInit | |
CEnumeratorForArg | |
CGenerateLowerDim | |
CGenerateRelataion | |
CIdxOf | |
CInitEnumeratorTmpl | |
CMakeEnumerator | |
CValid | |
CEnumerateGeneratedCellCodesInDim | |
CEnumerateGeneratedCellCodesInstantiation | |
CEnumerateGridGraph | |
CEnumerateLefschetzCells | |
►CEnumerateSubSpace | |
CIsValid | |
CMapIndex | |
CEulerCharacteristic | |
CExcision | |
CExternalMemoryTag | |
CFilteredComplex | |
CFilteredDenseCubMemoryModel | |
CFilteredIteratorFamily | |
CFilteredSelectors | |
CFundamentalGroup | |
CFundamentalGroupPaths | |
CGeneralizedComplexes | |
CGeneratedCellComplex | |
CGeneratedMemoryModel | |
CGenerateKappaMap | |
CGeometricBoundary | |
CGridGraphCellComplex | |
CGridGraphCubicalComplexes | |
CGridGraphExternalMemoryCellComplex | |
CGridGraphExternalMemoryCubicalComplexes | |
CGridGraphExternalMemoryTag | |
CGridGraphMemoryModel | |
CGridGraphTag | |
CGroupCoboundaries | |
CGroupComplexIdsByDim | |
CHasCellCodeConverter | |
CHasCellCodeConverter< Complex, typename boost::enable_if< typename Complex::HasCellCodeConverter >::type > | |
CHasFixedDim | |
CHasFixedScalar | |
CHasFixedScalar< Complex, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::not_< boost::is_void< typename Complex::Scalar > > >::type > | |
►CHasseDiagram | |
CCellCode | |
CEdgeSourceIndex | |
CEdgeTargeIndex | |
CHasseDiagramCellComplex | |
CHasseDiagramMemoryModel | |
CHasseDiagramTag | |
►CHasseDiagramView | |
CEdge | |
CMakeInEdge | |
CMakeOutEdge | |
CMakeVertex | |
CVertex | |
CHasTag | |
CHasTypeId | |
►CHomology | |
CSignature | |
CIdentifiableObjectContainer | |
CIdToCell | |
CImageCubCellComplex | |
CIs3DGridGraph | |
CIsCellComplex | |
CIsColorable | |
CIsComplex | |
CIsComplex< Complex, typename boost::enable_if< typename Complex::IsComplex >::type > | |
CIsInDim | |
CIsInDim< Complex, DIM, typename boost::enable_if_c< ComplexDim< Complex >::value==DIM >::type > | |
CIsNotVoid | |
CIsProdSimplexCellCode | |
CIsProdSimplexCellCode< CellCode, typename boost::enable_if< typename CellCode::IsProdSimplexCellCode >::type > | |
CIsRegularCubical | |
CIsSameOrVoid | |
CIsSimplicial | |
CIsZeroHomology | |
CIsZeroHomologyImpl | |
CIsZeroHomologyImpl< Complex, typename boost::enable_if< HasFixedScalar< Complex > >::type > | |
CIteratedBoundary | |
CIteratedCoboundary | |
CLefschetzCellComplex | |
CLefschetzMemoryModel | |
CLefschetzTag | |
CNonVoid | |
►CNumberOfColors | |
Ctype | |
CPolygonCellComplex | |
CPolygonCellComplexes | |
CPolygonsCoincidence | |
►CPolygonsGenerator | |
CBoundaryInfo | |
CCellCodeForDimUpperBound | |
CCellCodeStorageType | |
CPolygonTag | |
CPredOnSelector | |
CProdSimplexCellCode | |
►CProdSimplicesGenerator | |
CBoundaryInfo | |
CCellCodeForDimUpperBound | |
CCellCodeStorageType | |
CProdSimplicialComplexes | |
CRegularCubicalTag | |
CRelativeHomology | |
►CScalarFunctor | |
Capply | |
CSComplexBase | |
CSComplexKappaBuilderFromCubes | |
CSComplexToFreeChainComplex | |
CSelectorForComplex | |
CSelectorsUpToDim | |
CSelectPolygonCellCode | |
►CSimplicesGenerator | |
CBoundaryInfo | |
CCellCodeForDimUpperBound | |
CCellCodeForDimUpperBound< _DimUpperBound, typename boost::enable_if_c< _DimUpperBound::value==0 >::type > | |
CCellCodeStorageType | |
CSimplicesReader | |
CSimplicialCellSComplex | |
►CSimplicialCellSComplexTraitsT | |
CCellCodeComparator | |
CSimplicialComplexes | |
CSimplicialComplexes_Complex | |
CSimplicialComplexes_Complex< DIM, typename boost::enable_if< boost::mpl::is_not_void_< StaticSimplicialComplexesPrecompiledDim::Complex< DIM > > >::type > | |
CSimplicialComplexVertexId | |
CSimplicialTag | |
►CSimplifyComplexGeometrically | |
CVisitInternalComplex | |
CSparseCubicalTag | |
Csqueeze_by_unorderedmap_tag | |
CSqueezedCellImpl | |
CSqueezedComplex | |
CSqueezedComplexes | |
CSqueezedComplexIterator | |
CSqueezedComplexIteratorFamily | |
CSqueezedTag | |
CSqueezeIds | |
CSqueezeIds< Id, squeeze_by_unorderedmap_tag > | |
CSReductionPair | |
CStaticProdSimplicialCellComplex | |
CStaticProdSimplicialComplexesNotPrecompiled | |
CStaticProdSimplicialComplexesPrecompiled | |
CStaticProdSimplicialNotPrecompiledTag | |
CStaticProdSimplicialPrecompiledTag | |
CStaticProdSimplicialTag | |
CStaticSimplicialCellComplex | |
CStaticSimplicialComplexesNotPrecompiledDim | |
CStaticSimplicialComplexesPrecompiledDim | |
CStaticSimplicialNotPrecompiledDimTag | |
CStaticSimplicialPrecompiledDimTag | |
CStaticSimplicialTag | |
CStaticVariable | |
CStaticVariable< Type, 0 > | |
CSubRange | |
CSubRange< Seq, D, D > | |
CSubRangeSize | |
►CSubSpaceMemoryPool | |
CRngs | |
CSubSpaceMemoryPoolCellComplex | |
CSubSpaceMemoryPoolMemoryModel | |
CTheCubicalAcyclicity | |
Cvertex_dimension_t | |
CZigZag | |
CZigZag< Complex, DIM, typename boost::enable_if< IsRegularCubical< Complex > >::type > | |
►Ngraph | |
►N_impl | |
CAllTrue | |
CIdMap | |
►Ndetail | |
CBoostGraphEdgeAdaptorImpl | |
CBoostGraphEdgeAdaptorImpl< Vertex, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_signed< typename Vertex::Id > >::type > | |
CBoostGraphEdgeAdaptorImpl< Vertex, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_unsigned< typename Vertex::Id > >::type > | |
►Nimpl | |
CEnableIfNotVoid | |
►CGridGraphBase | |
CEdge | |
CGetVertexPairOutEdges | |
CVertex | |
CView | |
►CBoostGraph | |
CVertexIdMap | |
CBoostGraphVertexAdaptor | |
CBuildStronglyConnectedComponentsGraph | |
CClique | |
CComputeConnectedComponentsOfGridGraph | |
CComputeStronglyConnectedComponentsInParallel | |
CDirectedCircle | |
CDirectedLine | |
CDirectedTriangle | |
CFixture | |
CGetEdgeIteratorPair | |
CGetEdgeIteratorPair< Derived, typename impl::EnableIfNotVoid< typename Derived::Edges >::type > | |
CGetInEdgeIteratorPair | |
CGetInEdgeIteratorPair< Derived, typename impl::EnableIfNotVoid< typename Derived::InEdges >::type > | |
CGetOutEdgeIteratorPair | |
CGetOutEdgeIteratorPair< Derived, typename impl::EnableIfNotVoid< typename Derived::OutEdges >::type > | |
CGraphAlgorithms | |
CGraphAlgorithms< homAux::ManualComputationalModel > | |
CGraphAlgorithms< homAux::StdComputationalModel > | |
CGraphAlgorithms< homAux::TbbComputationalModel > | |
►CGraphOnEdges | |
CIsNotGuard | |
CVertex | |
CGraphOnEdgesFixture | |
►CGridGraph | |
Crebind | |
CIsBidirectional | |
CIsBidirectional< Derived, typename impl::EnableIfNotVoid< typename Derived::InEdges >::type > | |
CNearestNeighboursBFS | |
CNoEdges | |
CStronglyConnectedComponentsGraph | |
CTransposeGraph | |
►NhomAux | |
►Ndetail | |
►CApplyAdaptors | |
CApply | |
CFixedArrayStorageBase | |
►CFixedArrayStorageType | |
CBufferedValue | |
CMakeValue | |
CMultiRangeStorageTypes | |
CPackedPairProxy | |
CPackedPairProxy< 0, PackedPair > | |
CPackedPairProxy< 1, PackedPair > | |
CResourceUsage | |
CSelectBitsStorage | |
CSmallVectorImpl | |
CSmallVectorImplBaseTraits | |
CSmallVectorImplBaseTraits< Value, 0 > | |
CStat | |
►Nimpl | |
CApplyRangesFunctor | |
CApplyRangesFunctor< 0 > | |
CFlatten | |
CFlattenInner | |
CFlattenInnerIt | |
CFlattenReference | |
CFlattenValue | |
CForEachFunctor | |
CForEachFunctor< 1, Value > | |
CIndexValue | |
CIndexValueAllocator | |
CJoin | |
►CMultiArrayIndexerBase | |
CView | |
CNumericIteratorWithStep | |
CObjectsFromFile | |
CObjectsFromStream | |
CObjectsToString | |
CPred | |
CPureFlattenIteratorTraversal | |
CTrans | |
CAdaptedContainer | |
CCallInstantiation | |
CConnectedComponents | |
CFixedArrayStorage | |
CFlatMerge | |
CFlattenIterator | |
CFlattenRangeType | |
CFromString | |
CFromString< capd::homAux::Byte > | |
CFromString< char > | |
CFromString< unsigned char > | |
►CFunctionObject | |
Cresult | |
Cresult< F(T...)> | |
CFunctorPropertyMap | |
CGroupedRange | |
►CGroupsAsMapType | |
CTransformGroup | |
CInstances | |
CInstancesIndirect | |
CIteratedMultiValuedFunctor | |
CIteratedMultiValuedFunctor< 0, Func > | |
CIteratedMultiValuedFunctor< 1, Func > | |
CManualComputationalModel | |
CMapValuesType | |
CMeasure | |
►CMergeMaps | |
CCompare | |
CMergeWithLast | |
►CMultiArrayIndexer | |
CMakeIndex | |
CMultiRangeStorage | |
CMultiValuedTransformRange | |
CPackedPair | |
CPackedPair< T0, T1, typename boost::enable_if_c< boost::is_unsigned< T0 >::value &&boost::is_unsigned< T1 >::value >::type > | |
CPairFirst | |
CPairSecond | |
CPairTraits | |
CPairTraits< const Pair > | |
CPositionInSequence | |
►CPureFilterIteratorTraversal | |
CTrue | |
CPureIteratorTraversal | |
►CRandomAccessAsRangeType | |
CDereference | |
CRangeAlgorithms | |
CRangeAlgorithms< ManualComputationalModel > | |
CRangeAlgorithms< StdComputationalModel > | |
CRangeAlgorithms< TbbComputationalModel > | |
CRedefinedFilteredIteratorRange | |
CRedefinedFilteredTransformedIteratorRange | |
CRedefinedFlattenIteratorRange | |
CRedefinedIteratorRange | |
CRedefinedJoinedIteratorRange | |
CRedefinedTransformedIteratorRange | |
CResultType | |
CResultType< F, typename boost::disable_if< boost::function_types::is_callable_builtin< F > >::type > | |
CResultType< F, typename boost::enable_if< boost::function_types::is_callable_builtin< F > >::type > | |
CReversePair | |
CSafeIteratorPairType | |
CSafeIteratorPairType< Rng, typename boost::enable_if< boost::is_base_of< boost::iterator_range< typename boost::range_iterator< Rng >::type >, Rng > >::type > | |
CSize | |
►CSortedIndices | |
CGetValue | |
CStdComputationalModel | |
CTbbComputationalModel | |
CTheConfig | |
►CTypesInstantiation | |
CApplyEach | |
CApplyEach< End, End > | |
►CUniversalVariable | |
CGetPtr | |
CValueProxy | |
CWrap1 | |
CWrapper | |
►Nmatlab | |
►Npersistence | |
►Ntest | |
CAnnulusVertices | |
CDisjointPatches | |
CEquispacedCirclePoints | |
CGaussianPoints | |
CHouseExample | |
CIcosahedronVertices | |
COctahedronVertices | |
CPointCloudFixture | |
CRandomCirclePoints | |
CRandomFigure8Points | |
CRandomSpherePoints | |
CRandomSphereProductPoints | |
CRandomTorusPoints | |
CRandomTrefoilKnotPoints | |
CSquare | |
CTetrahedronVertices | |
CAbstractPointCloud | |
CBuildFiltration | |
CBuildVietorisRips | |
CComputePersistentHomology | |
CDegreeLimitedNeighbourhood | |
CDistanceMatrixMetric | |
CDistanceMatrixPersistentHomology | |
CDistanceMatrixPointCloud | |
CEuclideanMetric | |
CEuclideanPointCloudType | |
CPersistentSignature | |
CPHATInterface | |
CPointCloud | |
►CPointCloudInputStreamIterator | |
CPointCloudPoint | |
CPointCloudSimplicialCellSComplex | |
CSizeLimitedNeighbourhood | |
CVolumePersistentHomology | |
►Ntest | |
CComplexFixture | |
CCubicalAntipodalPoints | |
CCubicalBingsHouse_1 | |
CCubicalBingsHouse_2 | |
CCubicalBox3D_1 | |
CCubicalCircle | |
CCubicalCircle2 | |
CCubicalComplexFixture | |
CCubicalEmpty | |
CCubicalFixturesForTag | |
CCubicalPoint | |
CCubicalRectangle | |
CCubicalSphere | |
CCubicalTorus | |
CCubicalTorusExternalMemory | |
CEnumerator | |
CGeneralizedCircle | |
CGeneralizedComplexFixture | |
CGeneralizedEmpty | |
CGeneralizedPoint | |
CGeneralizedPointFromCubes | |
CGeneralizedRectangle | |
CGlobalFixtureConfig | |
CIsCellComplexFixture | |
CSimplicialCircle | |
CSimplicialComplexFixture | |
CSimplicialEmpty | |
CSimplicialFixturesForTag | |
CSimplicialPoint | |
CSimplicialRealProjectivePlane | |
CSimplicialTriangle | |
CSqueezeIdsFixture | |
CSqueezeSimpleMultiSetFixture | |
CSqueezeSimpleSetFixture | |
CStdComputationModelConfig | |
CTbbComputationModelConfig | |
►NcapdRedHom | |
►Nalgorithms | |
CBettiNumbersOverZ | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnCellCodeMap | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnGrid | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnPartition | |
CCountCriticalCells | |
CFundamentalGroup | |
CGenerateKappaMap | |
►Ncomplex | |
CComplex | |
►Ncubical_complex | |
CCubicalComplex | |
►Nfinite_topology | |
►Nbuild_finite_topological_space_zig_zag_by_intersections | |
CBuildFiniteTopologicalSpaceZigZagByIntersections | |
►Nfinite_topological_space | |
CFiniteTopologicalSpace | |
►Npersistence_intervals | |
CBarCallback | |
CPersistenceIntervals | |
CPersistenceIntervalsGUI | |
►Nzig_zag | |
CZigZagInterval | |
►Ngeneralized_complex | |
CGeneralizedComplex | |
►Nmulti_vector_field | |
►Nbuild_mesh_vector_field_optimized_partition | |
CBuildMeshVectorFieldOptimizedPartition | |
►Nbuild_mesh_vector_field_zig_zag_by_intersections | |
CBuildMeshVectorFieldZigZagByIntersections | |
►Nmesh_vector_field | |
CMeshVectorField | |
►Npersistence | |
►Nbottleneck_distance | |
CBottleneckDistance | |
►Nbuild_diagrams_graph | |
CBuildDiagramsGraph | |
►Ndiagram | |
CDiagram | |
►Ndiagram_measure | |
CDiagramMeasure | |
►Ndistance_matrix_persistence_homology | |
CDistanceMatrixPersistentHomology | |
►Nimage_persistent_homology | |
CImagePersistentHomology | |
►Nplot_diagram | |
CPlotDiagram | |
►Nvolume_persistent_homology | |
CVolumePersistentHomology | |
►Nwasserstein_distance | |
CWassersteinDistance | |
►Nprod_simplicial_complex | |
CProdSimplicialComplex | |
►Nsimplicial_complex | |
CPlotSimplicialComplex2D | |
CPlotSimplicialComplex3D | |
CPlotSimplicialComplexBase | |
CSimplicialComplex | |
►Ndata_structures | |
►CDirectMap | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CHasher | |
CHasher< int > | |
CHasher< std::pair< int, int > > | |
►CHashMap | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CSparseMatrix | |
►Nexperimental | |
►CReducibleFreeChainComplex | |
CReducedPair | |
CReduciblePair | |
CReduciblePairComparer | |
►Nmpl_ | |
Cint_ | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Cnumeric_limits< capd::homAux::Byte > | |
►Ntest_bottleneck_distance | |
CTestBottleneckDistance | |
►Ntest_build_multivector_dynamics_on_cell_code_map | |
CBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnCellCodeMap | |
►Ntest_build_multivector_dynamics_on_grid | |
CTestBuildMultivectorDynamicsOnGrid | |
►Ntest_cubical_complex | |
CTestCubicalComplex | |
►Ntest_distance_matrix_persistence_homology | |
CTestDistanceMatrixPersistentHomology | |
►Ntest_finite_topological_space | |
CBuildFiniteTopologicalSpaceZigZagByIntersections | |
►Ntest_kappa_map | |
CTestKappaMap | |
►Ntest_mesh_vector_field | |
CTestMeshVectorField | |
►Ntest_prod_simplicial_complex | |
CTestProdSimplicialComplex | |
►Ntest_simplicial_complex | |
CTestSimplicialComplex | |
►Ntest_wasserstein_distance | |
CTestWassersteinDistance | |
►NUtil | |
►NColors | |
CColoredObjectsListModel | |
►NIterators | |
CBeginEnd | |
CCollectionBeginEnd | |
CIdentity | |
CRangeTransform | |
Cadjacency_graph_tag | |
CAndOp | |
CAsHom | |
CAsHom< 0 > | |
CBasicCellProxy | |
CBasicCellProxy< BasicCellProxy< CellImplT > > | |
CBasicCellProxy< CellImplT * > | |
►CBinECube | |
CBinBaseCube | |
CBinBaseInterval | |
►CBitmapT | |
CBitIterator | |
►CBitSetT | |
CPointIterator | |
CBmpCubCelMVMapBuilder | |
CBmpCubCelSetBuilder | |
CBmpCubMVMapBuilder | |
CBmpCubSetBuilder | |
CBmpHeader | |
CBmpHeader< unsigned long int, 2 > | |
Cbind | |
Cderef | |
Cfalse_ | |
Cgreater | |
Cintegral_c | |
Cnot_ | |
Cor_ | |
Ctrue_ | |
Cvector | |
Cwrapper | |
CCAPDLib | |
CCellCodeForDimUpperBound | |
CCellCodeForDimUpperBound< _DimUpperBound, typename boost::enable_if_c< _DimUpperBound::value==0 >::type > | |
CCellDimIndexer | |
CChainAux | |
CChainMapCrHom | |
CChainT | |
CCOAKQStrategy | |
CCOAKQStrategyBase | |
►CCOAKQStrategyTraits | |
CExtract | |
CForceReduction | |
CGetReductionPair | |
CComplexFromFixture | |
CComplexityTester | |
CConstRangeGen | |
CCrbHom | |
CCrbHom< 0 > | |
CCrbMapHom | |
CCrbMapHom< 0 > | |
CCrHom | |
CCrHom< 0 > | |
CCubCellSetFiltrT | |
CCubCellSetT | |
CCubFaceIndex | |
CCubSetBuilder | |
CCubSetFunctors | |
CCubSetT | |
CECell3dCode | |
CECellMDCodeT | |
CElementaryCell | |
CElementaryCube | |
CElementaryInterval | |
CElementaryOneDimCell | |
►CEuclBitSetT | |
CBitCoordIterator | |
CBitIterator | |
CHypPlBitIterator | |
Cinterval | |
CNeighbIterator | |
CNeighbSliceIterator | |
CPixel | |
CPixelNeighborOffset | |
CPointCoordIterator | |
CPointIterator | |
CFGAGrpSignature | |
CFilteredCubset | |
CFreeChainComplex | |
CFreeModule | |
CFreeModuleHomomorphism | |
CHiperSurfSelector | |
CHomAlgComplexity | |
CHomAlgFunctors | |
CHomologyOfComplex | |
CHomologyOfDiscreteVectorField | |
CHomologySignature | |
CIdChainMap | |
Cincidence_graph_tag | |
CInclusionHomology | |
Cis_bitwise_serializable | |
CLinearSubObjectGenerator | |
CMaskedObjectGenerator | |
CMultiEngineHomology | |
CMultiEngineHomology< 0 > | |
CMultivectorDynamics_wrapper | |
CMVCelMapCrHom | |
CMVFullMapPreprocess | |
►Cno_init_allocator | |
Crebind | |
Cobject | |
CObjectGenerator | |
CP_Bitmap | |
CP_BitSet | |
CP_EuclSet | |
CP_EuclSetT | |
CPersistenceMatrix | |
CProjChainMap | |
CQuotientGradedModule | |
CQuotientModule | |
CRandomAccess | |
CRangeGen | |
CRedHom_ComplexInfo | |
►CReducibleFreeChainComplex | |
CReducedPair | |
CReduciblePair | |
CReductionPairT | |
CReductionPairZ2 | |
CRepCubSetBuilder | |
CRepSet | The objects of this class represent families of elementary sets. It is assumed that elementary sets are ordered in some way, so that operator< is available The implementation of the class is via STL template set |
CRescaledD2ObjectGenerator | |
CRescaledObjectGenerator | |
CRescaledPairObjectGenerator | |
CSetPairT | |
CShaveAlgorithm | |
CShaveAlgorithmFactory | |
CShiftedObjectGenerator | |
CSparseColMatrixT | |
CSparseRowMatrixT | |
CSubModule | |
CSubObjectGenerator | |
CVectBuilder | |
CVectMapBuilder | |
CVectorOfChainsT | |
CVectSetBuilder | |
Cvertex_list_graph_tag | |
CX | |
CZeroGen | |