CAPD DynSys Library  5.2.0
capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols > Member List

This is the complete list of members for capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >, including all inherited members.

at(size_type i, size_type j)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
at(size_type i, size_type j) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
beginMatrix()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
beginMatrix() constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
beginOfColumn(size_type j)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
beginOfColumn(size_type j) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
beginOfRow(size_type i)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
beginOfRow(size_type i) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
column(size_type j) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
columnStride() constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
ColumnVectorType typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
const_iterator typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
ContainerType typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
degree()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inlinestatic
difference_type typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Dimension typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
dimension()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inlinestatic
endMatrix()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
endMatrix() constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
endOfColumn(size_type j)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
endOfColumn(size_type j) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
endOfRow(size_type i)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
endOfRow(size_type i) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
Identity(size_type dim)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >static
iterator typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
makeArray(size_type N, size_type r, size_type c)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >static
Matrix()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
Matrix(size_type _rows, size_type _cols)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
Matrix(const ScalarType data[])capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Matrix(size_type _rows, size_type _cols, const ScalarType data[])capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Matrix(const char data[])capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >explicit
Matrix(const std::string &data)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >explicit
Matrix(const Matrix &m)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
Matrix(const MatrixSlice< MatrixType > &m)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Matrix(const Matrix< S, rows, cols > &)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Matrix(const Dimension &dim)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
Matrix(const Dimension &d, bool)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
Matrix(size_type _rows, size_type _cols, bool)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
Matrix(const Scalar(&data)[dataRows][dataCols])capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Matrix(Matrix &&m) noexcept=defaultcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Matrix(std::initializer_list< std::initializer_list< ScalarType > > l)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
MatrixType typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
numberOfColumns() constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
numberOfRows() constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator()(size_type i) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator()(size_type i, size_type j)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator()(size_type i, size_type j) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator*=(const Scalar &s)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator+=(const Matrix &a)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator+=(const Scalar &s)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator-=(const Matrix &a)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator-=(const Scalar &s)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator/=(const Scalar &s)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator=(Matrix &&a) noexcept=defaultcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
operator=(const Matrix &a)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator=(const Scalar &s)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
operator>>(std::istream &inp, MatrixType &a)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >friend
operator[](size_type i) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
RefColumnVectorType typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
RefRowVectorType typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
resize(size_type r, size_type c)capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
row(size_type i) constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
rowStride() constcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline
RowVectorType typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
ScalarType typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
setToIdentity()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
size_type typedefcapd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
transpose()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >
Transpose()capd::vectalg::Matrix< Scalar, rows, cols >inline