CAPD DynSys Library 5.2.0
capd::krak Namespace Reference


namespace  wxWin


class  At
class  atom
class  basic_job
class  BgColor
class  colstring
class  const_string
class  Coord3D
class  del_ins_job
class  ed_rec_job
class  FgColor
class  field
class  flexstring
class  Frame
class  frstring
class  hlink
class  IFrame
class  IsomCoord3D
 @doc<IsomCoord3D::descr> This is a class for isomteric 3D drawing. More...
class  item
class  job
class  link
class  list
class  menu_job
struct  Point3D
 @doc<Coord3D::descr> This is a base class for 3D drawing functions. More...
class  pointing_field
struct  Pxl
struct  Rct
class  record
class  sel_job
class  Tab
class  UserMove
class  var
class  view_job


typedef int Stat
typedef struct Pxl PXL
typedef struct Rct RCT
typedef long DINT
typedef DINT HG * DINT_P
typedef char HG * CHAR_P
typedef unsigned char HG * BYTE_P


enum  Status { sleeping , running , finished }
enum  FunctKeys {
  BSKey =8 , TabKey , CRKey =13 , PgUpKey ,
  PgDnKey , EndKey , HomeKey , LeftKey ,
  UpKey , RightKey , DownKey , InsKey ,
  DelKey , EscKey =27 , F1Key =89 , F2Key ,
  F3Key , F4Key , F5Key , F6Key ,
  F7Key , F8Key , F9Key , DragKey =DRAG_KEY ,
  ButtonKey =BUTTON_KEY , NoKey =NO_KEY , BSKey =8 , TabKey ,
  CRKey =13 , PgUpKey , PgDnKey , EndKey ,
  HomeKey , LeftKey , UpKey , RightKey ,
  DownKey , InsKey , DelKey , EscKey =27 ,
  F1Key =89 , F2Key , F3Key , F4Key ,
  F5Key , F6Key , F7Key , F8Key ,
  F9Key , DragKey =DRAG_KEY , ButtonKey =BUTTON_KEY , NoKey =NO_KEY
enum  FunctKeys {
  BSKey =8 , TabKey , CRKey =13 , PgUpKey ,
  PgDnKey , EndKey , HomeKey , LeftKey ,
  UpKey , RightKey , DownKey , InsKey ,
  DelKey , EscKey =27 , F1Key =89 , F2Key ,
  F3Key , F4Key , F5Key , F6Key ,
  F7Key , F8Key , F9Key , DragKey =DRAG_KEY ,
  ButtonKey =BUTTON_KEY , NoKey =NO_KEY , BSKey =8 , TabKey ,
  CRKey =13 , PgUpKey , PgDnKey , EndKey ,
  HomeKey , LeftKey , UpKey , RightKey ,
  DownKey , InsKey , DelKey , EscKey =27 ,
  F1Key =89 , F2Key , F3Key , F4Key ,
  F5Key , F6Key , F7Key , F8Key ,
  F9Key , DragKey =DRAG_KEY , ButtonKey =BUTTON_KEY , NoKey =NO_KEY


void errorExit (const char *,...)
void set_colors (void)
template<class type >
capd::krak::Frameoperator<< (capd::krak::Frame &f, const type &x)
capd::krak::Frameoperator<< (capd::krak::Frame &f, const capd::krak::At &at)
 Moves the current position to the cell refered by at, like: More...
capd::krak::frstringoperator<< (capd::krak::frstring &out, capd::krak::Tab &t)
int frstrlen (const capd::krak::frstring &a_string)
capd::krak::frstring deitem (capd::krak::frstring &s)
capd::krak::frstring deitem_intitem (capd::krak::frstring &s)
capd::krak::frstring double2string (double number)
capd::krak::frstring byte2hex (unsigned char c)
capd::krak::frstring halfbyte2hex (unsigned char c)
capd::krak::frstring double2hex (double number)
void skipto (std::istream &in, capd::krak::frstring &s)
int confirm (capd::krak::Frame &jobfrm, const char *prompt, const char *yes, const char *no)
void job_restore_window (void)
template<class OBJECT >
capd::krak::view_joboperator<< (capd::krak::view_job &s, OBJECT &o)
void OpenGraphics (int hrs, int vrs, int bgcol, int fgcol, int ltx, int lty)
void CloseGraphics (void)
void SetBgCol (int col)
void SetFgCol (int col)
void MWLineTo (int i, int j)
void MoveTo (int i, int j)
void PlotDot (int i, int j)
void Crcl (int i, int j, int r)
void DrawStrng (const char *txt)
void FillRct (capd::krak::Rct *r, int pattNr, int colNr)
void GetMouse (capd::krak::Pxl *pxl)
int Button (void)
double Clock (void)
long tickClock (void)
double RClock (void)
double tck2sec (long)
void Beep (int freq, int time)
char * datetime (void)
int GetKey (void)
int button (void)
void delay (double t)
void closeGraphics (void)
void openGraphics (int hrs, int vrs, int bgcol, int fgcol, int ltx=100, int lty=100)
void clear (int color=WHITE)
void jump (int i, int j)
void draw (int i, int j, int color=FRAME_FG)
void drawText (const char *c, int i, int j, int color=FRAME_FG)
void dot (int i, int j, int color=FRAME_FG)
void circ (int pixelRow, int pixelColumn, int r, int color=FRAME_FG)
void circFill (int pixelRow, int pixelColumn, int r, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void box (int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj, int color=FRAME_FG)
void boxFill (int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void polygon (int coords[], int nPoints, int color=FRAME_FG)
void polygonFill (int coords[], int nPoints, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void arc (int leftTopPixelRow, int leftTopPixelColumn, int rightBottomPixelRow, int rightBottomPixelColumn, int begPixelRow, int begPixelColumn, int endPixelRow, int endPixelColumn, int color=FRAME_FG)
void arcFill (int leftTopPixelRow, int leftTopPixelColumn, int rightBottomPixelRow, int rightBottomPixelColumn, int begPixelRow, int begPixelColumn, int endPixelRow, int endPixelColumn, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void ellipse (int leftTopPixelRow, int leftTopPixelColumn, int rightBottomPixelRow, int rightBottomPixelColumn, int color=FRAME_FG)
void ellipseFill (int leftTopPixelRow, int leftTopPixelColumn, int rightBottomPixelRow, int rightBottomPixelColumn, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void keyAndMouse (int &key, int &row, int &col)
void mouse (int &row, int &col)
void setWorldCoord (double leftBottomX, double leftBottomY, double rightTopX, double rightTopY)
void jump (double x, double y)
void draw (double x, double y, int color=FRAME_FG)
void drawText (const char *c, double x, double y, int color=FRAME_FG)
void dot (double x, double y, int color=FRAME_FG)
void circ (double x, double y, double r, int color=FRAME_FG)
void circFill (double x, double y, double r, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void box (double leftBottomX, double leftBottomY, double rightTopX, double rightTopY, int color=FRAME_FG)
void boxFill (double leftBottomX, double leftBottomY, double rightTopX, double rightTopY, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void polygon (double coords[], int nPoints, int color=FRAME_FG)
void polygonFill (double coords[], int nPoints, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void arc (double leftBottomX, double leftBottomY, double rightTopX, double rightTopY, double begX, double begY, double endX, double endY, int color=FRAME_FG)
void arcFill (double leftBottomX, double leftBottomY, double rightTopX, double rightTopY, double begX, double begY, double endX, double endY, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void ellipse (double swx, double swy, double nex, double ney, int color=FRAME_FG)
void ellipseFill (double swx, double swy, double nex, double ney, int color=FRAME_FG, int pattern=SOLID_P)
void keyAndMouse (int &key, double &x, double &y)
void mouse (double x, double y)
void waitButton (void)
void setTextSize (int size)
int getTextSize (void)
void setBackgroundColor (int color)
void setForegroundColor (int color)
void FillChord (int ltj, int lti, int rbj, int rbi, int bj, int bi, int ej, int ei, int pattNr, int colNr)
void Arc (int ltj, int lti, int rbj, int rbi, int bj, int bi, int ej, int ei, int colNr)
void FillRgn (int *r, int lPoints, int pattNr, int colNr)
void SetTextSize (int)
int GetTextSize (void)
void waitBt (void)
void waitMouseBt (void)
void warning (const char *fmt,...)
void moveTo (double x, double y)
void lineTo (double x, double y)
void plotDot (double x, double y)
void Segment (int i0, int j0, int i1, int j1)
void Rctngl (int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj)
void DrawRct (RCT *r)
void Square (int i, int j, int size)
void Cross (int i, int j, int size)
void Diamond (int i, int j, int size)
void Xcross (int i, int j, int size)
int linear (int x, int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1)
void SetRct (RCT *r, int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj)
unsigned long EstimFreeMem (void)
double tr_cubic (double t)
void set_col (void)
void set_pat (void)
void free_pat (void)
void MarkPt3D (Frame *frm, double u, double v, double rb_col)
void DrawTxtg (Frame *frm, const char *buf)
void DrawTxtc (Frame *frm, const char *buf)
void Rctngl_at (Frame *frm, int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj)
void outchar (Frame *frm, int row, int col, const char *ch)
void gprintf (Frame *frm, const char *fmt,...)
void gprintf_at (Frame *frm, int row, int col, const char *fmt,...)
void gcprintf (const char *fmt,...)
void gcprintf_at (int row, int col, const char *fmt,...)
void drawFrm (Frame *frmPtr)
void scaleFrm (Frame *frmPtr)
void clrFrm (Frame *frmPtr)
void selFrm (Frame *frmPtr)
void initFrm (Frame *frmPtr, int arglti, int argltj, int argrbi, int argrbj, int bgc=WHITE, int fgc=BLACK, int im=fontHght/2, int jm=fontWdth/2)
void dscrFrm (Frame *frm, double swx, double swy, double nex, double ney)
FrameopenRelFrm (Frame *prntFrm, int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj)
FrameopenTRelFrm (Frame *prntFrm, int, int, int, int)
FrameopdsRelFrm (Frame *prntFrm, int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj, double swx, double swy, double nex, double ney)
void clseFrm (Frame *frm)
void Clear (Frame *frm, int color)
void redrawCtrlFrm (void)
void openCtrlFrm (int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj)
int sc_i (double x)
int sc_j (double y)
double x_sc (int i)
double y_sc (int j)
int MouseInFrm (Frame *f)
int in_cFrm (double x, double y)
int inscr (int i, int j)
int inchar (void)
void getline (Frame *frm, int row, int col, char *txt)
void testExit (void)
void testPause (void)
double time_meter (void)
long tick_meter (void)
void bp (void)
void stop (void)
void struct_copy (void *from, void *to, int size)
double DREALmin (int count, double x)
void openDbgFrm (int lti, int ltj, int rbi, int rbj)
void vv (int i, double r)
void ww (int i, double r)
void qq (int b)
void pp (void)
void default_restore_window (void)
void pause (int i, int j, frstring s)
void SetUserMove (UserMove &um)
int GetUserMove (capd::krak::UserMove &um)
 Waits for user action and retuns it in @i(um) More...
void WaitUserMove (capd::krak::UserMove &um, capd::krak::Rct &r, int bgColor, int fgColor, double freq)
 Makes the rectangle @i(r) blink with the prescribed frequency and the prescribed colors until a user action returned in @i(um) More...
void WaitUserMove (capd::krak::UserMove &um)
 Waits for user action and retuns it in @i(um) More...
template<class type >
Frameoperator<< (Frame &f, const type &x)
void vgprintf_at (capd::krak::Frame *frm, int row, int col, const char *fmt, std::va_list args)
void LineTo (int, int)
void getText (capd::krak::Frame &frm, capd::krak::frstring &text)
 Read a string from the keybord. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, ::capd::krak::frstring a_string)
capd::krak::frstring operator^ (const capd::krak::frstring &first_string, const capd::krak::frstring &second_string)
capd::krak::frstring operator^ (const char *t, const capd::krak::frstring &s)
capd::krak::frstring operator^ (const capd::krak::frstring &s, const char *t)
int operator+ (int an_int, capd::krak::frstring &s)
void getstring (std::istream &in, capd::krak::frstring &a_string, int len)
void gettoken (std::istream &in, capd::krak::frstring &a_string)
void get_to_eol (std::istream &in, capd::krak::frstring &a_string)
void get_line (std::istream &in, capd::krak::frstring &a_string)
capd::krak::frstring normalize (capd::krak::frstring &in)
void getitem (capd::krak::frstring &in, frstring &s)
void getitem (std::istream &in, frstring &s)
double string2double (const capd::krak::frstring &s)
double string2double (const capd::krak::frstring &s, int &k)
int string2int (capd::krak::frstring &s)
capd::krak::frstringoperator>> (capd::krak::frstring &in, char &c)
capd::krak::frstringoperator>> (capd::krak::frstring &in, int &n)
capd::krak::frstringoperator>> (capd::krak::frstring &in, double &d)
capd::krak::frstringoperator<< (capd::krak::frstring &out, char c)
capd::krak::frstringoperator<< (capd::krak::frstring &out, int n)
capd::krak::frstringoperator<< (capd::krak::frstring &out, double d)
capd::krak::frstringoperator<< (capd::krak::frstring &out, capd::krak::frstring f)
capd::krak::view_joboperator<< (capd::krak::view_job &v, capd::krak::frstring f)
capd::krak::view_joboperator<< (capd::krak::view_job &v, capd::krak::Tab &t)
void opengfxwndw (int wn, int hsr, int vsr, int bgcolor, int fgcolor, int argc, char **argv)
void handleExpose (void(*expose)())
void handleResize (void(*resize)())
void eventloop (void(*expose)(), void(*resize)(), void(*buttonpress)())
void handleEvents (void)
long tckClock (void)
void restore_window_settings (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)
void restore_window_attributes (HWND hwnd, HDC hdc)
void outchar (capd::krak::Frame *frm, INT row, INT col, char ch)
void PlotDot (wxDC &dc, wxPen &pen, int i, int j)
void MWLineTo (wxDC &dc, wxPen &pen, int i, int j)
void Crcl (wxDC &dc, wxPen &pen, int i, int j, int r)
void FillRct (wxDC &dc, Rct *r, int pattNr, int colNr)
double getAngle (int x, int y)
void FillChord (wxDC &dc, int ltj, int lti, int rbj, int rbi, double start, double end, int pattNr, int colNr)
void Arc (wxDC &dc, wxPen &pen, int ltj, int lti, int rbj, int rbi, double start, double end)
void FillRgn (wxDC &dc, int n, wxPoint points[], int pattNr, int colNr)
int DrawStrng (wxDC &dc, wxFont &font, const char *txt)


void(* restore_window )(void)
int fontHght =F_HGHT
int fontWdth =F_WDTH
Frame rootFrame
FramerootFrm =NULL
PATTWORD * patt_pntr []
capd::krak::FramecFrm =NULL
char colorname [24][24]
int gray []
int c_bgcol
int c_fgcol
float red_c [MAX_PALETTE]
float green_c [MAX_PALETTE]
float blue_c [MAX_PALETTE]
int isgraphic =1
int top_marg_size =0
int buttonState =0
int lastKey =NO_KEY
unsigned int bttn_mask
struct timeval tp
int what_restore
capd::krak::FramestatFrm =NULL
capd::krak::FramegoFrm =NULL
capd::krak::FramestopFrm =NULL
capd::krak::FrameexitFrm =NULL
capd::krak::FramectrlFrm =NULL
int graphics_selected
int Hrs
int Vrs
double scr_ratio
PATTWORD empty_p [] ={0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0}
PATTWORD solid_p [] ={0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}
PATTWORD hline_p [] ={0,0xFF,0,0xFF,0,0xFF,0,0xFF}
PATTWORD vline_p [] ={0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55, 0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55}
PATTWORD dhline_p [] ={0,0,0xFF,0xFF,0,0,0xFF,0xFF}
PATTWORD dvline_p [] ={0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33}
PATTWORD dot_p [] ={0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55}
PATTWORD ddot_p [] ={0xCC,0xCC,0x33,0x33,0xCC,0xCC,0x33,0x33}
PATTWORD dust_p [] ={0x88,0,0,0,0x88,0,0,0}
PATTWORD ddust_p [] ={0,0,0x0C,0x0C,0,0,0,0}
PATTWORD slash_p [] ={0x88,0x11,0x22,0x44,0x88,0x11,0x22,0x44}
PATTWORD islash_p [] ={0x11,0x88,0x44,0x22,0x11,0x88,0x44,0x22}
PATTWORD whdline_p [] ={0xEE,0,0,0,0x77,0,0,0}
PATTWORD dwhdline_p [] ={0xF0,0xF0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
PATTWORD hash_p [] ={0xFF,0x55,0xFF,0x55,0xFF,0x55,0xFF,0x55}
PATTWORD dhash_p [] ={0xFF,0xFF,0x33,0x33,0xFF,0xFF,0x33,0x33}
PATTWORD whash_p [] ={0xEE,0x11,0x11,0x11,0xEE,0x11,0x11,0x11}
PATTWORD dwhash_p [] ={0xF3,0xF3,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33}
PATTWORD wvline_p [] ={0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11}
PATTWORD vdot_p [] ={0xAA,0xAA,0x55,0x55,0xAA,0xAA,0x55,0x55}
XColor exact_defs [MAX_PALETTE]
Pixmap stipple [30]
GC drawgc
unsigned long fg_pixel
unsigned long bg_pixel
unsigned long valuemask = 0
XGCValues values
Window win
unsigned int WX = 0
unsigned int WY = 0
unsigned int border_width = 4
XSizeHints size_hints
XEvent report
XFontStruct * font_info
char * display_name = NULL
Region region
XRectangle rectangle
Display * display
int screen
char * fontname = "9x15"
int default_depth
Colormap default_cmap
long unsigned int plane_masks [1]
XVisualInfo visual_info
int Class
long unsigned int colors [MAX_PALETTE]
int color_no
int c_ipstn =0
int c_jpstn =0
long event_mask

Typedef Documentation


typedef unsigned char HG* capd::krak::BYTE_P


typedef char HG* capd::krak::CHAR_P


typedef long capd::krak::DINT


typedef DINT HG* capd::krak::DINT_P


typedef struct Pxl capd::krak::PXL


typedef struct Rct capd::krak::RCT

◆ Stat

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ FunctKeys


◆ Status


Function Documentation

◆ Arc() [1/2]

void capd::krak::Arc ( int  ltj,
int  lti,
int  rbj,
int  rbi,
int  bj,
int  bi,
int  ej,
int  ei,
int  colNr 

◆ Arc() [2/2]

void capd::krak::Arc ( wxDC &  dc,
wxPen &  pen,
int  ltj,
int  lti,
int  rbj,
int  rbi,
double  start,
double  end 

◆ byte2hex()

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::byte2hex ( unsigned char  c)

◆ Crcl()

void capd::krak::Crcl ( wxDC &  dc,
wxPen &  pen,
int  i,
int  j,
int  r 

◆ deitem()

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::deitem ( capd::krak::frstring s)

◆ deitem_intitem()

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::deitem_intitem ( capd::krak::frstring s)

◆ double2hex()

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::double2hex ( double  number)

◆ double2string()

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::double2string ( double  number)

◆ DrawStrng()

int capd::krak::DrawStrng ( wxDC &  dc,
wxFont &  font,
const char *  txt 

◆ DREALmin()

double capd::krak::DREALmin ( int  count,
double  x 

◆ eventloop()

void capd::krak::eventloop ( void(*)()  expose,
void(*)()  resize,
void(*)()  buttonpress 

◆ FillChord() [1/2]

void capd::krak::FillChord ( int  ltj,
int  lti,
int  rbj,
int  rbi,
int  bj,
int  bi,
int  ej,
int  ei,
int  pattNr,
int  colNr 

◆ FillChord() [2/2]

void capd::krak::FillChord ( wxDC &  dc,
int  ltj,
int  lti,
int  rbj,
int  rbi,
double  start,
double  end,
int  pattNr,
int  colNr 

◆ FillRct()

void capd::krak::FillRct ( wxDC &  dc,
Rct r,
int  pattNr,
int  colNr 

◆ FillRgn() [1/2]

void capd::krak::FillRgn ( int r,
int  lPoints,
int  pattNr,
int  colNr 

◆ FillRgn() [2/2]

void capd::krak::FillRgn ( wxDC &  dc,
int  n,
wxPoint  points[],
int  pattNr,
int  colNr 

◆ free_pat()

void capd::krak::free_pat ( void  )

◆ frstrlen()

int capd::krak::frstrlen ( const capd::krak::frstring a_string)

◆ get_line()

void capd::krak::get_line ( std::istream &  in,
capd::krak::frstring a_string 

◆ get_to_eol()

void capd::krak::get_to_eol ( std::istream &  in,
capd::krak::frstring a_string 

◆ getAngle()

double capd::krak::getAngle ( int  x,
int  y 

◆ getitem() [1/2]

void capd::krak::getitem ( capd::krak::frstring in,
frstring s 

◆ getitem() [2/2]

void capd::krak::getitem ( std::istream &  in,
frstring s 

◆ getstring()

void capd::krak::getstring ( std::istream &  in,
capd::krak::frstring a_string,
int  len 

◆ getText()

void capd::krak::getText ( capd::krak::Frame frm,
capd::krak::frstring text 

Read a string from the keybord.

See also Edit().

◆ GetTextSize()

int capd::krak::GetTextSize ( void  )

◆ gettoken()

void capd::krak::gettoken ( std::istream &  in,
capd::krak::frstring a_string 

◆ GetUserMove()

int capd::krak::GetUserMove ( UserMove um)

Waits for user action and retuns it in @i(um)

◆ halfbyte2hex()

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::halfbyte2hex ( unsigned char  c)

◆ handleEvents()

void capd::krak::handleEvents ( void  )

◆ handleExpose()

void capd::krak::handleExpose ( void(*)()  expose)

◆ handleResize()

void capd::krak::handleResize ( void(*)()  resize)

◆ job_restore_window()

void capd::krak::job_restore_window ( void  )

◆ LineTo()

void capd::krak::LineTo ( int  i,
int  j 

◆ MWLineTo()

void capd::krak::MWLineTo ( wxDC &  dc,
wxPen &  pen,
int  i,
int  j 

◆ normalize()

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::normalize ( capd::krak::frstring in)

◆ opengfxwndw()

void capd::krak::opengfxwndw ( int  wn,
int  hsr,
int  vsr,
int  bgcolor,
int  fgcolor,
int  argc,
char **  argv 

◆ operator+()

int capd::krak::operator+ ( int  an_int,
capd::krak::frstring s 

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

template<class type >
capd::krak::Frame & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::Frame f,
const type &  x 

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::frstring out,
capd::krak::frstring  f 

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::frstring out,
capd::krak::Tab t 

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::frstring out,
char  c 

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::frstring out,
double  d 

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::frstring out,
int  n 

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

template<class OBJECT >
capd::krak::view_job & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::view_job s,
OBJECT &  o 

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

capd::krak::view_job & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::view_job v,
capd::krak::frstring  f 

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

capd::krak::view_job & capd::krak::operator<< ( capd::krak::view_job v,
capd::krak::Tab t 

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

template<class type >
Frame & capd::krak::operator<< ( Frame f,
const type &  x 

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

std::ostream & capd::krak::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
::capd::krak::frstring  a_string 

◆ operator>>() [1/3]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator>> ( capd::krak::frstring in,
char &  c 

◆ operator>>() [2/3]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator>> ( capd::krak::frstring in,
double d 

◆ operator>>() [3/3]

capd::krak::frstring & capd::krak::operator>> ( capd::krak::frstring in,
int n 

◆ operator^() [1/3]

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::operator^ ( const capd::krak::frstring first_string,
const capd::krak::frstring second_string 

◆ operator^() [2/3]

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::operator^ ( const capd::krak::frstring s,
const char *  t 

◆ operator^() [3/3]

capd::krak::frstring capd::krak::operator^ ( const char *  t,
const capd::krak::frstring s 

◆ outchar() [1/2]

void capd::krak::outchar ( capd::krak::Frame frm,
INT  row,
INT  col,
char  ch 

◆ outchar() [2/2]

void capd::krak::outchar ( Frame frm,
int  row,
int  col,
const char *  ch 

◆ pause()

void capd::krak::pause ( int  i,
int  j,
frstring  s 

◆ PlotDot()

void capd::krak::PlotDot ( wxDC &  dc,
wxPen &  pen,
int  i,
int  j 

◆ restore_window_attributes()

void capd::krak::restore_window_attributes ( HWND  hwnd,
HDC  hdc 

◆ restore_window_settings()

void capd::krak::restore_window_settings ( HWND  hwnd,
HDC  hdc 

◆ set_col()

void capd::krak::set_col ( void  )

◆ set_colors()

void capd::krak::set_colors ( void  )

◆ set_pat()

void capd::krak::set_pat ( void  )

◆ SetTextSize()

void capd::krak::SetTextSize ( int  size)

◆ SetUserMove()

void capd::krak::SetUserMove ( UserMove um)

◆ skipto()

void capd::krak::skipto ( std::istream &  in,
capd::krak::frstring s 

◆ string2double() [1/2]

double capd::krak::string2double ( const capd::krak::frstring s)

◆ string2double() [2/2]

double capd::krak::string2double ( const capd::krak::frstring s,
int k 

◆ string2int()

int capd::krak::string2int ( capd::krak::frstring s)

◆ tckClock()

long capd::krak::tckClock ( void  )

◆ tr_cubic()

double capd::krak::tr_cubic ( double  t)

◆ WaitUserMove() [1/2]

void capd::krak::WaitUserMove ( UserMove um)

Waits for user action and retuns it in @i(um)

◆ WaitUserMove() [2/2]

void capd::krak::WaitUserMove ( UserMove um,
capd::krak::Rct r,
int  col1,
int  col2,
double  freq 

Makes the rectangle @i(r) blink with the prescribed frequency and the prescribed colors until a user action returned in @i(um)

Variable Documentation

◆ bg_pixel

unsigned long capd::krak::bg_pixel

◆ blue_c

float capd::krak::blue_c

◆ border_width

unsigned int capd::krak::border_width = 4

◆ bttn_mask

static unsigned int capd::krak::bttn_mask

◆ buttonState

int capd::krak::buttonState =0

◆ c_bgcol

int capd::krak::c_bgcol

◆ c_fgcol

int capd::krak::c_fgcol

◆ c_ipstn

int capd::krak::c_ipstn =0

◆ c_jpstn

int capd::krak::c_jpstn =0

◆ cFrm

capd::krak::Frame * capd::krak::cFrm =NULL

◆ Class

int capd::krak::Class

◆ color_no

int capd::krak::color_no

◆ colorname

static char * capd::krak::colorname
Initial value:

◆ colors

long unsigned int capd::krak::colors[MAX_PALETTE]

◆ ctrlFrm

capd::krak::Frame * capd::krak::ctrlFrm =NULL

◆ ddot_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::ddot_p[] ={0xCC,0xCC,0x33,0x33,0xCC,0xCC,0x33,0x33}

◆ ddust_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::ddust_p[] ={0,0,0x0C,0x0C,0,0,0,0}

◆ default_cmap

Colormap capd::krak::default_cmap

◆ default_depth

int capd::krak::default_depth

◆ dhash_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::dhash_p[] ={0xFF,0xFF,0x33,0x33,0xFF,0xFF,0x33,0x33}

◆ dhline_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::dhline_p[] ={0,0,0xFF,0xFF,0,0,0xFF,0xFF}

◆ display

Display* capd::krak::display

◆ display_name

char* capd::krak::display_name = NULL

◆ dot_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::dot_p[] ={0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55,0xAA,0x55}

◆ drawgc

GC capd::krak::drawgc

◆ dust_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::dust_p[] ={0x88,0,0,0,0x88,0,0,0}

◆ dvline_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::dvline_p[] ={0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33}

◆ dwhash_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::dwhash_p[] ={0xF3,0xF3,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33,0x33}

◆ dwhdline_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::dwhdline_p[] ={0xF0,0xF0,0,0,0,0,0,0}

◆ empty_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::empty_p[] ={0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0}

◆ event_mask

long capd::krak::event_mask
Initial value:
= ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | ButtonPressMask |
ButtonReleaseMask | ButtonMotionMask | PointerMotionHintMask |

◆ exact_defs

XColor capd::krak::exact_defs[MAX_PALETTE]

◆ exitFrm

capd::krak::Frame * capd::krak::exitFrm =NULL

◆ fg_pixel

unsigned long capd::krak::fg_pixel

◆ font_info

XFontStruct* capd::krak::font_info

◆ fontHght

int capd::krak::fontHght =F_HGHT

◆ fontname

char* capd::krak::fontname = "9x15"

◆ fontWdth

int capd::krak::fontWdth =F_WDTH

◆ goFrm

capd::krak::Frame * capd::krak::goFrm =NULL

◆ graphics_selected

int capd::krak::graphics_selected

◆ gray

int capd::krak::gray
Initial value:
#define OLIVE
Definition: color.h:32
#define PINE
Definition: color.h:30
#define MAGENTA
Definition: color.h:26
#define BLUE
Definition: color.h:24
#define BLACK
Definition: color.h:21
#define WHITE
Definition: color.h:20
#define RED
Definition: color.h:22
#define VIOLET
Definition: color.h:29
Definition: color.h:34
#define DARKBLUE
Definition: color.h:33
Definition: color.h:35
#define BROWN
Definition: color.h:31
#define YELLOW
Definition: color.h:25
#define ORANGE
Definition: color.h:28
#define GREEN
Definition: color.h:23
#define CYAN
Definition: color.h:27

◆ green_c

float capd::krak::green_c

◆ hash_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::hash_p[] ={0xFF,0x55,0xFF,0x55,0xFF,0x55,0xFF,0x55}

◆ hline_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::hline_p[] ={0,0xFF,0,0xFF,0,0xFF,0,0xFF}

◆ Hrs

int capd::krak::Hrs

◆ isgraphic

int capd::krak::isgraphic =1

◆ islash_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::islash_p[] ={0x11,0x88,0x44,0x22,0x11,0x88,0x44,0x22}

◆ lastKey

int capd::krak::lastKey =NO_KEY

◆ patt_pntr

PATTWORD * capd::krak::patt_pntr
Initial value:
PATTWORD solid_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1016
PATTWORD dust_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1023
PATTWORD dhline_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1019
PATTWORD dwhdline_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1028
PATTWORD vdot_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1034
PATTWORD vline_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1018
PATTWORD islash_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1026
PATTWORD dvline_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1020
PATTWORD wvline_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1033
PATTWORD dot_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1021
PATTWORD whdline_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1027
PATTWORD slash_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1025
PATTWORD dwhash_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1032
PATTWORD whash_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1031
PATTWORD ddot_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1022
PATTWORD ddust_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1024
PATTWORD empty_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1015
PATTWORD hline_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1017
PATTWORD hash_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1029
PATTWORD dhash_p[]
Definition: primitiv.cpp:1030

◆ plane_masks

long unsigned int capd::krak::plane_masks[1]

◆ rectangle

XRectangle capd::krak::rectangle

◆ red_c

float capd::krak::red_c

◆ region

Region capd::krak::region

◆ report

XEvent capd::krak::report

◆ restore_window

void(* capd::krak::restore_window)(void)=default_restore_window ( void  )

◆ scr_ratio

double capd::krak::scr_ratio

◆ screen

int capd::krak::screen

◆ size_hints

XSizeHints capd::krak::size_hints

◆ slash_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::slash_p[] ={0x88,0x11,0x22,0x44,0x88,0x11,0x22,0x44}

◆ solid_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::solid_p[] ={0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF}

◆ statFrm

capd::krak::Frame* capd::krak::statFrm =NULL

◆ stipple

Pixmap capd::krak::stipple[30]

◆ stopFrm

capd::krak::Frame * capd::krak::stopFrm =NULL

◆ top_marg_size

int capd::krak::top_marg_size =0

◆ tp

struct timeval capd::krak::tp

◆ valuemask

unsigned long capd::krak::valuemask = 0

◆ values

XGCValues capd::krak::values

◆ vdot_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::vdot_p[] ={0xAA,0xAA,0x55,0x55,0xAA,0xAA,0x55,0x55}

◆ visual_info

XVisualInfo capd::krak::visual_info

◆ vline_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::vline_p[] ={0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55, 0x55,0x55,0x55,0x55}

◆ Vrs

int capd::krak::Vrs

◆ whash_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::whash_p[] ={0xEE,0x11,0x11,0x11,0xEE,0x11,0x11,0x11}

◆ what_restore

int capd::krak::what_restore

◆ whdline_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::whdline_p[] ={0xEE,0,0,0,0x77,0,0,0}

◆ win

Window capd::krak::win

◆ wvline_p

PATTWORD capd::krak::wvline_p[] ={0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11,0x11}

◆ WX

unsigned int capd::krak::WX = 0

◆ WY

unsigned int capd::krak::WY = 0